“I remember once in Chem honors in sophomore year, I was trying to watch some Youtube during class. The Youtube region was set in Japan because I’m a fob, so I got this anime ad. My computer wasn’t muted either, so this anime Japanese girl voice played hella loud in the classroom during dead silent work time and everyone looked at me. Mr. HB too. He looked at me like he felt bad too, like his face was like ‘damn.’”
Senior Reon Hatoyama
“Last year, I was chilling in my Zoom and I forgot to mute while I was watching Tik Toks and no one told me for like a really long time. I had to talk to my teacher after class.”
Senior Madhu Ramkumar
“Once this year, I jaywalked from Town and Country to Paly, and Ernesto chased me on his golf cart to the science building and then yelled at me in front of everyone.”
Senior Yubin Zhang