The Campanile: Who are you and what sports do you play?
Leila Khan: My name is Leila Khan. Over the fall season, I was on the dance team, and this winter I am a part of the varsity girls soccer team.
TC: How long have you been on the teams?
LK: I competed with dance team and was on dance the whole year as a freshman. This is my first season playing Paly soccer.
TC: What position do you play for soccer and how are you preparing for the upcoming season?
LK: I play striker, and I’ve been going on runs and training with friends when we don’t have practice to prepare.
TC: How did the first game of the season go?
LK: Our first game was Monday, Nov. 27 at 4:30 against Aragon at their school. It was a preseason game, and we had a whole new team. We scored two goals, both scored by sophomores, and we won the game 2-1.
TC: How does it feel getting on varsity soccer as an underclassman?
LK: I’m very excited to be on varsity as a sophomore and as this is my first year playing Paly soccer, I’m pumped to kick a–, compete and do well against other high school teams. This season I will have to work very hard in order to match the skills of the upperclassmen on varsity.
TC: What’s the worst thing about soccer so far?
LK: Regular season games don’t start for a long time.
TC: What has been your favorite memory from dance?
LK: My favorite memory was attending nationals in L.A. with the team.
TC: What is your least favorite part of being a dancer?
LK: The lack of appreciation that the team receives.
TC: Do you have any pre-game and pre-dance rituals?
LK: My pre-game is eating a banana, drinking Gatorade and doing some sprints. For dance, I stretch and practice the routine in my head.
TC: Who’s the funniest person on both soccer and dance and why?
LK: I don’t know the new team very well but probably Emily [Tomz] or Claire [Chen]. I can’t choose from dance; everyone is hilarious.
TC: What’s the main difference between soccer and dance?
LK: The teams are very different; dance is unique in that we perform and compete to prove how unified we are as a team and soccer is more about using our personal skills to our advantage to develop a better, more aggressive team.
TC: Are you doing a spring sport? What’s the best part of being on these teams?
LK: I’m doing track. The best parts are all the new and fun people you get to meet.
TC: Is it difficult being on multiple teams?
LK: Balancing the practices with school work, family and friends can be difficult, but I really enjoy being a part of multiple Paly teams.