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ASB busy planning end of year activities

With the Associated Student Body (ASB) election rapidly approaching, ASB members have been revising the application appointment system in order to create a fairer selection process.

Utilizing the newly refined system, which models the current system used to appoint Paly administration, those on the ASB panel will rank the applicants based on a rubric and the candidates with the highest rankings overall are chosen.

The panel consists of the ASB president and Vice President, seniors Vivian Feng and Ben Rapperport respectively, the ASB President elect and Vice President elect and the outgoing person who previously held the position.

According to junior class President Zoe Silver, “The improvements should ensure that (the selection process) is less of a subjective report and more objective qualities are being graded on.”

Further refinements have been made to ASB policy through newly proposed amendments to the ASB Constitution. Alteration to the Constitution include changes to the title or overall language of the Constitution, to completely reworking how ASB is structured.

“A lot of thought and deliberation went into them.”

Zoe Silver

The current version the ASB Constitution can be found on the ASB website, along with details of which amendments were passed and which were vetoed.

Additionally, ASB has been working with administration to improve student life on Paly campus. Ideas were pitched for discussion to Principal Adam Paulson and Assistant Principal John Christiansen concerning topics such as attendance policies and how administration should handle student juuling.

“This is a great way for ASB to stay in contact with administration which is important in ensuring that we have a smooth relationship so that we can both work to accomplish our goals,” Silver said.

ASB has also confirmed Prom details. Prom will take place at the San Francisco Design Galleria on April 13. Tickets and subsidies are currently available on the Paly Webstore for both Paly students and guests, but sales will end March 27.

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