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ASB to host night dodgeball tournament

After a busy Spirit Week, ASB adjourned for a weeklong recess and has since focused on updating its constitution, debriefing Spirit Week and unveiling several small campus events, according to ASB Vice President Benjamin Knopper. 

“We are going to be taking a fresh new look at our constitution to make sure everything is in order and make sure it’s still relevant,” Knopper said. “The constitution was missing an amendment that was wrongfully deleted last year, so we fixed that. That made us want to look line by line in our constitution, every single item in it, to check that everything is in order.”

In light of greater national attention on the vaping epidemic among American teens, another major issue on tap is ASB’s anti-vaping efforts to raise awareness about the dangers of vaping and juuling, according to ASB President Pooja Akella. 

“Another long term goal is communicating with the Parent Teacher Council’s Anti-Vaping Committee to collaborate on joint education campaigns,” Akella said. 

ASB is also planning smaller events related to school spirit and student-teacher relations, the dates for which are still being decided.

“We are also tackling a few smaller events such as Pajama Day and Tea with Teachers,” Akella said. 

Sophomore President Nysa Bhat said ASB is ironing out details for several new events.

“We’re in the planning stages for a night dodgeball tournament,” Bhat said. “I don’t know what’s going on next semester, possibly a dance with Gunn.”

According to Sports Commissioner Stephen Lee, the dodgeball tournament is intended to help students relax at a busy time of year. 

“The main goal for this night dodgeball tournament is to give students a way to relive some stress from a long week of studying after dead week,” Lee said. “It’s testing new waters with an after school intramural sport.”

Lee also said the dodgeball tournament could be repeated for future events. 

“If this one goes well, it sets a precedent and allows for future activities outside of school hours,” Lee said. 

The Night Dodgeball Tournament will be held on Dec. 13 from 6:30 p.m. to 9 p.m. in the Small Gym. According to ASB’s flyer, teams can have a max of eight players (six on court at a time, two subs), with a maximum of two baseball or softball players. The tournament is single elimination.

Bhat said she is working on a fundraiser for her class.

“For me personally, I’m going to do a fundraiser where I can raise enough money to do three major class events next semester,” Bhat said.

“We are hosting a handful of cookies on the quad events paired with dress-up days,” Senior Class Vice President Teddy Butler. “The idea of a school a movie night or a carnival, though not confirmed, are in the works.”

Butler said the rest of the semester will be overall be less eventful than earlier.

Butler said, “The rest of the semester will be on the lighter side in the content ASB produces for the school due to upcoming breaks (Thanksgiving and Winter), finals and it being post-Spirit Week.”

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