Madrono distributes yearbooks outside the MAC to students
Madrono distributes yearbooks outside the MAC to students
Naveen Narayanaswami

Madrono distributes yearbooks outside the MAC to students

Madrono distributed yearbooks outside the Media Arts Center today during brunch for seniors and during lunch for all other grades.

Senior Lucianna Peralta said the yearbook design represented Paly spirit well.

“The yearbook is awesome,” Peralta said. “I’ve only flipped through a few pages so far. But I definitely really love the full picture spreads and the spirit that you can see clearly on the pages.”

Peralta said the new look of the yearbook contrasted previous years’ designs.

“I just love this color,” Peralta said. “The last few years it’s been pastel, and I think this orange really does spark.”

Freshman Loren Arcilla, a Madrono Chrono staff member, said it was satisfying to see the finished product after working on it for so long.

“I am so glad (to distribute the yearbook) because it was a lot of work,” Arcilla said. “It’s nice seeing people that you know get your books and also people you don’t know, getting to know them and hanging out with your friends.”


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