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Athlete of the Month: Matthew Nemeth

Athlete of the Month: Matthew Nemeth

The Campanile (TC):Who are you and what sport do you play?

Matthew Nemeth (MN): I’m Matthew Nemeth and I am a senior at the Palo Alto High School varsity mens water polo team.

TC: Typically there is a stereotype that water polo kids can tend to be rambunctious. What’s your take on this view?

MN: I really think it­ depends on the person. Last year’s senior class fit that description pretty well but this year our senior class is much more serious about setting a better example for the younger players on our team.

TC: What are your goals for the next season?

MN: Hopefully beat Gunn at leagues since we’re pretty sure we’ll meet them at the championship, and get as far as we can in Central Coast Section (CCS)Championships. It’s going to be a rougher year for us because we lost a huge amount of our firepower in our senior class, but we will see what we can do.

TC: Your twin brother has done track for Paly. How does his experience with Paly sports compare to yours?

MN: He does track which, although is a team competition,  requires much more of an individual mindset, as opposed to water polo where you all have to work together and be on the same page.

TC: What’s your favorite memory of playing water polo for Paly?

MN: Last year, the night of the practice before one of our CCS games, our coach showed up late  and told us to stand on the pool deck and hold each other’s hands in our Speedos. After that, he gave a ten minute motivational speech about teamwork, brotherhood and love. We were all pretty confused…

TC: What’s your worst memory of playing water polo for Paly?

MN: Definitely last year at leagues, getting the last goal scored on me by a Gunn player in the championship game. It was pretty depressing.

TC: On a lighter note, who’s the funniest person on your team?

MN: Besides me, that’s got to be Ben Rapperport, the vice president of the junior class. His personality is as fiery as his hair.

TC: That’s nice to hear. I’ve noticed that you’re very fit, how much work do you put in at the Peery Center outside of practice?

MN: I love the Peery Center. All the equipment there is so amazing I just want to live there. Unfortunately, the amount of stress water polo puts on your body kind of limits how much other stuff you can do outside, but I try and hit the gym a few days a week, mostly on the weekends when we’re not in the pool. After the season, though you’ll find me there everyday with Bryan Look. Scrawny to brawny, baby!

TC: Good to hear; any closing thoughts?

MN: Please come support us at our games, we got like five students yesterday at our first home game in three years.

TC: You heard it here first, go to the water polo games guys!

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