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Hillary Clinton must take blame for improper email use

Clinton’s use of personal email for government purposes was reckless and jeopardized America’s security

People should be concerned about the way that the president of the United States uses technology, and prior to her 2016 presidential campaign, Hillary Clinton is raising uneasiness, as it appears that she did not use a secure, official government email for professional correspondence in any of her four years serving as Secretary of State, from 2009 to 2013.

Information has just been released stating that Valerie Jarrett, a senior aide to President Obama, leaked Clinton’s use of a personal email, which has hurt Clinton. Jarrett’s move makes sense, as she has been in a faction of the Democratic party that has opposed Clinton for many years.

It is astonishing that someone that is so high up in our government could act so carelessly and jeopardize Amesrican diplomatic relationships among other state secrets.

Clinton may not have caused serious damage as her email most likely was not hacked, yet the mere fact that she ignored the system in the first place and chose to have an independent email shows that Clinton lacks competency in understanding the potential dangers of hacking.

After this leak, the State Department approached Clinton’s lawyers, attempting to read her emails from her time in office in order to assure that there was no national security breach. Clinton stated that she actually was the one to ask the State Department to release the emails, since they prove no wrongdoing.

Upon researching Clinton’s personal email, State Department lawyers found that there were 900 pages of  messages on her personal email account that referred to the attack of on the U.S. Embassy in Benghazi, Libya in 2012.

Additionally, it was found that Clinton casually deleted some 30,000 emails, which could have referred to anything from yoga classes to American military operations.

Despite her obvious deviation from government protocol, Clinton apparently saw no fault in her actions during her four years as Secretary of State. “[I] fully complied with every rule,” Clinton said during her news conference addressing the email scandal.

It would seem to any rational person that one should not mix personal emails with important business, and this especially relates to Clinton’s situation, as her reckless actions have such drastic possible consequences.

If her email was leaked, American diplomatic information would be released to both our allies and our enemies alike, causing strain on our foreign affairs.

Speaker of the House John Boehner will announce this week a new, long- term investigation of the content of the emails. As of right now, the State Department believes that there was not any classified information released, but some sensitive information may be involved. Regardless of whether or not Clinton’s email was hacked, which is not public knowledge, her actions were dangerously reckless. During her news conference about her email use, Clinton stated her motives for using one email instead of a personal one and a professional one.

“I thought using one device would be simpler, and obviously it hasn’t worked out that way,”  Clinton said.

In this day and age, children are raised to know that everything that is ever temporarily put on the internet stays up there forever. People are aware that privacy is of the utmost importance, as hackers are prevalent. It is confounding that our former Secretary of State had the notion that it was acceptable to use one email address, “[email protected]” for matters as diverse as planning a family wedding to discussing the Benghazi terror attack.

If it turns out that Clinton did in fact divulge sensitive information that could endanger American lives, military operations or diplomatic relationships, then it could greatly impact her image. This is a major development, as Clinton seemed to be the choice for the Democratic party in the 2016 presidential election. However, this might weaken her in comparison to the Republican candidate.

This is not a partisan issue, it is simply about common sense. While Secretary Clinton maintains her innocence, her ignorance does not excuse careless actions that put America in jeopardy. Clinton’s lack of technological awareness simply provides another stage for which tech safety can be preached to our nation’s youth.

As people use technology more and more, they become more careless with it, which can lead to problems. Clinton’s mess-up should serve as a cautionary tale to all of the teenagers of Silicon Valley, who rely so heavily on technology.

Every last keystroke on computers, phones, tablets and any electronic device is recorded, and the information is stored. While sending a text gossiping about a classmate may seem harmless in comparison to Secretary Clinton’s gaffe, rest assured they can both lead to dire consequences.

Think about any and every text, email or message you send. Is it really worth it to tell someone the answers to a test, or to talk about a friend behind his or her back? No it is not. While these actions should not be condoned at all, this technological age simply provides more evidence of wrongdoing, and therefore incriminates even further.

While technology is a blessing, it is also a curse. So when we use this fantastic treasure that has been bestowed upon us, make sure to use it with care. For information is stored and can be hacked or read by more than just the intended audience.

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