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How To Prepare For Spirit Week

It is now time to begin preparation for one of the most important and anticipated weeks of the year. Much like homework, procrastination is not the best idea when it comes to Spirit Week. The last minute rush to throw together an outfit is not going to win you best dressed, but if you follow the tips listed below you will be set.

When it comes to putting together an outfit, one has various options on how to go about perfecting their wardrobe. The first step is to take stock of one’s own supplies. Check closets, siblings’ rooms and costume bins, and be sure to ask parents to help you on this search. Often times this search will complete outfits for specific days allowing one to create a list of the specific things he or she needs..

Once this step is complete, the most beneficial action is using the people around you for some help. By asking friends from other schools, neighbors, already graduated Paly students or anyone else who seem like they appreciate dressing up. It is quite easy to uncover eagle helpers. Just be sure to be careful with whatever you borrow because they will likely want it back in one piece.

After searching and asking around has been completed, it’s time to hit the stores. At stores like the Goodwill (4085 El Camino Way) and various other thrift shops, you will be left in awe at the bargains one can find. Costumes are generally expensive but at these second hand stores one can put together an outfit for under 10 dollars. The items you see will also open up your mind to new ideas that could revolutionize costume creation. These stores are also perfect for you freshman and juniors who may not have that much orange or yellow clothing. One dollar t-shirts and three dollar sweatpants provide cheap options for a magnificent spirited outfit.

After scavenging through the cheapest of locations, it is time to take it to the big leagues. Spirit Halloween and other costumes stores will have all finishing touches needed. Accesories like hairspray and face paint can top off any color day outfit. Purchasing a costume at one of these stores is no bargain but if with the right amount of money anyone can be transformed into anything from a full on scuba diver to a knight in shining armor. This is perfect for going all out on one specific day.

Once the necessary accessories are purchased, it is important to get ahead on school work. Paying attention in class and getting homework done is not an easy task when the entirety of the school are busy thinking of cheers and talking to friends about who won tug-o-war earlier that day. The ideal Spirit Week involves no work, so one must attempt to make it that way. No last minute essay writing should take away from a lunch rally or an after school costume planning discussion.

By keeping these ideas in mind your outfits will be supreme but there is more than dressing up to spirit week. If one helps out their grade with cheers, float building, and encouraging everyone to dress up not only does it boost their chances at winning Spirit Week it also makes it more fun and competitive.

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