Featuring Izzy Kelley
The Campanile: Do you want to introduce yourself first?
Izzy Kelley: I’m Izzy, I’m a freshman.
TC: Tell us about your presidency and what made you decide to run.
IK: I thought about it last year and I just thought it’d be a cool new thing to do and over the summer I was put in a leadership position with my water polo team and I really liked it so then I did even more.
TC: Who’s the coolest person on ASB so far?
IK: I have to pick?
TC: Yeah, top two.
IK: I don’t know. Well [senior] Audrey [DeBruine] and [sophomore] Owen [Dulik] are really nice to me.
TC: Shout out to Audrey and Owen!
IK: They also know my brother [senior Sam Kelley].
TC: That’s true. So what’s the best thing about Paly so far?
IK: Um, I really like my friends.
TC: Tell us about your freakish water polo abilities.
IK: I’ve worked really hard at water polo, and being able to go up to varsity as a freshman is really cool.
TC: Did your brother playing water polo have an influence on you?
IK: Well actually I started playing before him.
TC: Oh so you’re the trendsetter?
IK: Yeah.
TC: Who’s better: you or him?
IK: He happens to be a senior so, there’s that. But I could do better than him when I’m a senior. I’m better than he was when he was a freshman.
TC: What’s it like being Sam’s little sister?
IK: It’s really cool because some of his friends know me so I have some senior friends.
TC: Is Sam as crazy as he his at school as he is at home?
IK: I guess not. I didn’t know he had the nickname “Crazy Sam” until like a month ago.
TC: Have you heard of any other wild stories about him?
IK: I don’t know if I want to.
TC: Ok, we’re going to play a game of “would you rather”. Would you rather fart popcorn or have your past and future web browsing history available to everyone?
IK: Web browsing I guess…?
TC: Would you rather have accordions for legs or have a huge belly button 10 inches long that swayed to the beat of music?
IK: Ummm, accordions for legs.
TC: I think a belly button would be better but… Alright, so last one: Would you rather live in a world with huge gummy bears walking around or live in a world where hoverboards exist?
IK: Hoverboards.
TC: What’s the worst thing about Paly?
IK: The tests.
TC: Do you have any favorite teachers?
IK: Mr. Farrell is really cool. I like him. And I also have Ms. Orr; she’s also really cool.
TC: What are some of your goals for high school?
IK: I had plans coming into school, which have already come true.
TC: Water polo and class president?
IK: Yeah.
TC: Can you go any higher?
IK: Yeah.