Boys golf aims for CCS after loss

Following its 187-185 loss to Lynbrook on April 25, boys golf finished its season sitting at second place in SCVAL and remaining eligible for CCS. 

Co-captain and senior Maxwell Zhang said despite the loss, the team performed well. 

“Although we had a slightly rocky start, we bounced right back and ended up short of the league title,” Zhang said.

Zhang also said enduring two losses at the beginning of the season pushed the team to practice harder to overcome challenges. 

“We had to play our A-game to win all the remaining matches,” Zhang said. “Ultimately, we lost our last match by a small margin, but we definitely fought really hard.”

Zhang said one thing the team does well is working toward maintaining its composure throughout the matches. 

“Each player needs to develop their own strategy to keep a cool head when a shot does not go the way they hope,” Zhang said.

Co-captain and senior Chase Kacher said the team has also gotten much closer, and he has high hopes for the next season. 

“There is a really enjoyable vibe when we are together, and it’s really fun to just practice and play together,” Kacher said. “For the next season, I hope the team can reach and hopefully win states. The incoming freshmen this year are really strong, and I believe they can improve a lot in the coming years.”


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